Double Your Leads with a Gated Sales Page

Claudia Howard

            Double Your Leads with a Gated Sales Page


Listen in on Episode 139 (November 29) The Roadmap to $50k on Shopify Podcast where I joined Susan Bradley to share a tactic to get more subscribers from your existing Shopify store traffic.

In the episode I'll outline how you can create a full page popup to gate your Sales Collection.

Here's how it works:

When web visitors click on your “Sale” collection from the navigation, any visitors who are not on your email list will see a full page pop up that tells them this collection is “Reserved for insiders only."

In order to see the collection, they need to enter their email address. Once they submit their email, the pop-up disappears and the collection is revealed.

Here’s why it’s important to you:

First, you don’t have to offer a discount to get a new lead. The hook is “exclusivity.”

But here’s the best part:

These visitors have high purchase intent. It’s not unusual for the submit rates on this pop-up to be double the submit rates on your regular discount pop-up.

And these new subscribers are Buyers.

I see this popup convert at 16% – 25%!!! It’s a strategy that you can use too.